The South African Domestic Appliances Association
SADA is a local trade association that provides a single, consensual voice for the home appliance industry, promoting industry`s mission to advance the lifestyles of South Africans.Members
For more information about any of our members simply click on the logos below to access their respective websites.Objectives
An association that provides a single, consensual voice for the industry of Manufacturers & Distributors of Domestic Appliances in South Africa.Ewaste Recycling
ERA NPC is a registered Non-profit Company which started in October 2014 as a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee to develop an E-Waste Industry Waste Management Plan (IndWMP).About SADA
SADA – South African Domestic appliance Association – is a local trade association that provides a single, consensual voice for the home appliance industry, promoting industry`s mission to advance the lifestyles of South Africans.
Our members manufacture and distribute a wide variety of home appliances:
- Large appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, ovens and stoves, dishwashers, washing machines and tumble dryers,
- Small appliances such as vacuum cleaners, irons, toasters and toothbrushes.

Our economic sector, supplying appliances that are an essential part of life, enable citizens to store and prepare food, feel warm, wash dishes and laundry ensuring good hygiene.
The home appliance industry is certainly an important South African economic player that impacts our daily lives.
SADA members take pride in sustaining a vibrant industry in S. Africa thanks to a strong manufacturing base, local technological know-how and substantial investments in research and development.
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Objectives, Mission and Goals
Primary Objective
Mission & Goals
Membership Benefits
The home appliance industry calls for ending Ukraine war
The outbreak of the war in Ukraine has tapped the brakes of modern living, of peace and democracy, threatening the very foundations of our society. We witness images of divided families, destroyed buildings, tanks on the roads that we thought would belong only to the last century.
The signatories stand united in its solidarity with all victims of this war.
Memorandum of Incorporation for SADA
The Management, Conduct and general Affairs of the Association are governed by the contents of the Memorandum of Incorporation. It is the guideline for governance and compliant behaviour on the part of board members and paid-up members of the Association. Proposed changes to this document are only possible if a majority of voting members support a resolution to alter it.
Free trade benefits consumers, worldwide
The home appliance industry is a global one-manufacturers make and sell products-from refrigerators to toasters-across the world. Consumers enjoy choice in brick and mortar or online shops, and that choice is one of the greatest advantages of the technological world we live in. Therefore, 9 home appliance associations, representing an innovative industry on several continents and united by the IRHMA roundtable, are strong believers in the benefits of free trade and hope to de-escalate any existing trade tension.
Cyber security knows no borders and requires action on all continents
New technologies have become an essential part of our lives and our homes, helping people save precious resources, such as energy, water, and time, while also bringing comfort and joy to our daily lives. Connected products are part of this technological development and they are here to stay. By next year, there will be 50 billion connected devices globally, presenting unlimited possibilities and unprecedented opportunities. With this market potential comes increased responsibilities and challenges for product manufacturers.
eWaste Recycling Authority
ERA NPC is a registered Non-profit Company which started in October 2014 as a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee to develop an E-Waste Industry Waste Management Plan (IndWMP).
ERA NPC has registered with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) as a Product Responsibility Organisation (PRO) for Electronic and Electrical Equipment goods on the South African market.
ERA NPC invites all stakeholders to make input into the ERA E-Waste IndWMP and to become a member of ERA E-Waste Recycling Authority NPC. We encourage you to actively participate in our consultation process, regardless of whether you are legally defined as a “Producer” or not.
SADA – South African Domestic appliances Association is fully aligned with and supports ERA
Please visit our website: where you will find more information on ERA NPC, the ERA E-Waste IndWMP, as well as the schedule and process for engagement.
Energy Efficiency Labelling on Domestic Appliances

The Energy Efficiency Label has been designed to provide consumers with accurate and comparable information on the Energy Efficiency of household appliances. The information provided on the label indicates the energy efficiency class of the appliance, the manufacturer and the appliance model. On some appliances, as an example washing machines, the label will also display non-energy data such as water consumption per cycle and the noise level of the appliance when in operation. For further information, enquire with the manufacturer or contact the Association.
The Association fully supports the mandatory use of the Energy Efficiency label and the guidance it provides to consumers in making the best choice when buying a new appliance. Additionally, SADA promotes the continuous improvement in appliance specifications and thus energy efficiency values. ( MEPS – Minimum Energy Performance Values )